As a coach, therapist or healer or one kind or another, it’s really important we pay attention to our own spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health. But how many of us can honestly say that we do?
Energy Release Techniques for Life Mastery is an opportunity to do just that in a 2 hour Masterclass.
In this Masterclass I’ll guide you through a series of meditations to help you clear out your own blocks and open space for new awareness. Together, we’ll harness the power of Source, Spirit, God, Goddess the Divine (whatever your name for this Higher Power) to release old, trapped energies, bring you greater awareness, and help you let go of stress – so that you feel lighter, freer, and more alive.
This Masterclass will help you to look differently at your own experience of life and support you in manifesting your deepest desires with a new level of Mastery. It’s like an energetic spring clean, which you can come back to at any time.
If you’re feeling stuck; if you find yourself procrastinating; if baggage from your childhood is holding you back or leaving you with trauma symptoms; if you’re struggling to let go of old hurts, old fears, old resentments or guilt – this Masterclass can help you to release your spiritual, mental and emotional baggage.
The processes I will share with you are fast but deep. One client – who focussed only on a short anger release process – told me afterwards that it had transformed her life. It transformed her relationship with her ex from angry resentment to collaboration, compassion and even friendship, and has had a radical impact on the lives of their children. That is the power of this kind of energy release work.
And I know this from first-hand experience in my own life too. In the 25 years since I first learned these meditations, this release work has saved my mental health following clinical depression and I still use them on a regular basis to clear out the debris left after life’s curved balls – or to release mental and emotional baggage that I didn’t previously know I had. These techniques have literally kept me sane for the last 23 years, which is why I am a passionate advocate for their healing powers.
I have guided hundreds of people through this release work and continually marvel at its powerful simplicity and impact.
After the release work, you’ll have a chance for some coaching with me on questions that have come up. And you can use the recording to go through the process again any time you need to.
What’s Involved?
Energy Release Techniques for Life Mastery is 2 hours long. The longer time allows me to take you through the guided meditations to release your blocks using both verbal and energetic techniques to support you, and spend some time in laser coaching and answering questions.
It’s on Thursday 13th April at 7pm UK time, and the meditations will be recorded, although not the questions or individual laser coaching. It is the fourth in this Coaching Wisdom Mastery series but you can attend it as a stand-alone class or as part of the series.
Your investment is £47, which includes access to the live event, the recording and a workbook.
About Dr Jane Lewis
Following a career in the world of technology and consultancy, I have been coaching now since 1997. During that time I’ve coached hundreds, if not thousands, of people from top leaders in the Civil Service to Company Directors in both large global organisations and small boutique businesses, to private individuals wanting to enjoy radical transformation in their lives.
In parallel, I have been studying the relevance of ancient wisdom to modern-day challenges, so I have a PhD in Esoteric Studies (Ancient Wisdoms by any other name) and am a Kumu (an honorary title similar to an honorary PhD) of Huna, the sacred spiritual, energetic and healing practices of the ancient Hawaiians.
I am passionate about supporting coaches in their journey to support the transformation of their clients. Because of this I have trained as a Coach Supervisor, and have been offering 1:1 and group supervision for over 8 years. I’ve also assisted, taught and assessed hundreds of coaches on coach training and development programmes going back over 20 years.
This combination of practical coaching, supervision, teaching and energetic practice has shown me how dramatically we can increase the impact of our coaching work when we combine modern tools and techniques drawn from psychology, NLP, systems thinking, neuropsychology and other new approaches with the profound teachings to be found in the wisdom of the ancients.
Book Here For The Energy Release Masterclass
What Previous Clients Say
‘So grateful for your time and guidance. Found it so useful and was just what I needed at this time. Divine timing!’ ML – UK
‘Just huge thank you and gratitude for sharing this with us’ Sarah – UK
‘I’d recommend working with Jane to anyone who wants authentic, deep and lasting transformation. She is a very special person and a joy to work with’ Julie Waddell
‘I have ongoing supervision sessions with Jane to support my professional coaching growth. Each session brings a new level of awareness and learning that I value greatly both for the growth I feel I get from them but also the clarity and reassurance. I can turn up wobbly and confused and somehow Jane weaves the truth together so that I leave feeling whole again. I’m so very grateful to her for her honesty and direct approach, I leave every session knowing exactly what work I need to do so I can be the best coach I can be for my clients.’ Valerie Schlegel