Welcome! I’m Dr Jane Lewis, more usually known as Jane, but Jane Lewis is a very common name, so when it came to getting the domain name, I had to be a bit creative! I have a PhD – in Spirituality and Leadership, so the Dr. is legit. I have been studying both spirituality and leadership for over 15 years now, and both intrigue me, so you will find something about both on this site.
But really the site is about spirituality and forgiveness. In particular, my aim is to help people who are being held back in theirs lives by a lack of forgiveness (of self or of others) to learn to forgive, let go and move on. You don’t have to be spiritually inclined to forgive, but when it comes to releasing old feelings of anger, fear, shame, disappointment, hurt, regret, frustration and the like, working with spirit is so much faster than other approaches.
I’ll be posting from time to time, but the best way to keep up with me is through the Dr Jane P Lewis page on facebook